The Constant Gardener by John LeCarre is based on the depredations of the major pharmaceutical companies: "They are engaged in the systematic corruption of the medical profession, country by country."

In Prescription Games, Jeffrey Robinson exposes the yawning abyss between the claims to altruism made by pharmaceutical companies and the harsh reality of their everyday practice. When the industry claims that the enormous markup they charge for new drugs pays the cost of developing new ones, they don't say that as much as 80 per cent of R&D money is actually directed at developing drugs designed to compete with existing brands, or at creating variations on drugs whose patents are about to expire -- expenditures only the industry itself (and its shareholders) will benefit from.

Within the industry, there are "blockbuster" drugs that create vast wealth for the companies that manufacture them. Most are designed to treat conditions that are endemic among prosperous, western populations that can afford them.

But there are no blockbuster drugs to treat diseases like tuberculosis, cholera, and malaria that ravage the Third World, because Third World countries can't afford the prices. People in Africa and Asia die from new strains of tuberculosis while people in Europe and North America are offered expensive treatments for obesity, hair loss, and sexual dysfunction.
The Times: A populist, professional attack on Big Pharma... providing all the necessary evidence for reasonable people to feel uneasy about the global drugs companies.”
The Telegraph: "Books such as this can only help us, the patients, to start asking the kinds of questions that will create a more ethical industry."
Globe and Mail: "(Robinson) covers his material well... the example of drugs in the Third World provides a perfect illustration of how profits motivate the actions of the giant multinational pharmaceutical companies."
Natural Solutions: "Written like a Grisham thriller about the dirty tricks and power play by Big Pharma. But in this book the exiting stories are true, and based on extensive fact finding and research. What makes this book extra credible is that the author is not involved at all in alternative health. Rather, Jeffrey Robinson is an expert on fraud and money laundering..."

Vitality Magazine: "We have the Sickness Industry. If you want to know just how big and bad it is, read Jeffrey Robinson's incomparable Prescription Games; a writer of thrillers wouldn't dare invent the real-life plots found there."
Columnist Pamela Wallin: "The title gives away which side of the issue Robinson is on, and even though some experts in the field suggest he may have slightly overstated his case against the big pharmas, there are compelling stories."