The Telegraph, London: "Jeffrey Robinson (is) one of the world's leading experts on international financial crime."

The Globe and Mail: "Robinson is an expert story teller whose clear, lively prose is lent force by a sharp sense of irony."

Sunday Business: “If you were looking for the financial equivalent of Renaissance Man... Jeffrey Robinson would fit the bill perfectly. The late 20th century demands volumes and volubility, both of which Robinson possesses in abundance.”

Books in Canada: “Robinson’s writing skills are formidable... his prose is vivid, pithy, constantly absorbing; his sense of story, flawless.”

The Sydney Sun Herald: “Jeffrey Robinson is a witty and cynical writer.”

The National Post: “Robinson shows he knows exactly what is going on.”

The Daily Mail :“Disgracefully entertaining.”

Bestselling author and critic, Val McDermid: “Like going out to dinner with your most entertaining friend and ending up talking till dawn because the company's so good.”

CNN: "If you can get to the money, if you can cut off the cash flow and cut off the reinvestment, you can bankrupt the bastards and that takes product off the streets."

ABC Good Morning America: "I don't care what story they tell you. If you didn't buy a ticket, you didn't win the lottery."

ITN: "The problem is that the good guys have all the rules and no money while the bad guys have all the money and no rules."

Fox News: "Fraud is a very simple crime to understand. I tell you a lie, you give me money, that's fraud. It is never any more complicated than that."

"Crime is a business, and the object of all businesses is to make money."

BBC Radio 4: "Panama is not a country, it's a business."

London Sunday Times: "Critics are to authors what dogs are to lamp-posts."

Sky News: "Robinson's Law - As soon as someone in public office starts blaming the press, you know the bastard's guilty."

Born in Long Beach, NY (1945), Jeffrey Robinson began selling freelance articles and stories to small magazines before his 15th birthday. Later, while attending Temple University in Philadelphia (BA-1967), he wrote for television and radio, was a staff writer at KYW-TV3 (1965), scripted a popular local children's show and was on the writing staff of "The Mike Douglas Show" (1966), a nationally televised daily talk show.

After serving as a press and public relations staff officer for five generals and three colonels in the United States Air Force (1967-1971), he took up residence in the south of France where he spent the next 12 years vagabonding around the world, writing articles and short stories for leading North American and British periodicals.

In 1982, now earning his living as an established freelance journalist and short story writer, he moved to London England to write books.

His money laundering tour de force, The Laundrymen (1993) was a headline-maker in 14 countries, establishing him as a recognized expert on organized crime, dirty money, fraud and money laundering. Actively maintaining that reputation through books, television programs and speaking engagements around the world, the British Bankers' Association has labeled him, "the world's most important financial crime author."

In addition to books on dirty money, he has published a wide variety of non-fiction, major biographies and several novels.

A popular after-dinner and keynote speaker, Robinson is a winner of the coveted Benedictine "After-Dinner Speaker of the Year" award (1990.)

He is married to the former Aline Benayoun of Antibes, France. Their son Joshua is a sports journalist and their daughter Celine writes for television and the theater.

Author of 30+ books, media pundit and a popular speaker on the international after-dinner circuit.

Jeffrey Robinson